Office Programs (O1)

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Lemonsoft software pricing  > Office Programs (O1)

Lemonsoft's Office Programs (O1) is an intelligent and complete solution for managing your company's customer relationships, recording orders, inventory management, and invoicing.

The office programs also include the Basic Programs (E1), which you can read about here.

The office programs package brings the following benefits to your company:

  • Clear customer relationship management improves your organization’s customer understanding (CRM).
  • The order backlog is up-to-date, and your customers know the delivery time.
  • The supply chain is fully digitized.
  • Versatile and automatable invoicing saves time.
  • Managing the invoice lifecycle speeds up cash flow.
  • Warehouse functions also mobile make routines easier.

Customers under control and customer relationships managed (CRM)

You probably remember your customers, but do you remember when you last talked and what you talked about? When did your customer last order from you, and does your customer have overdue invoices? Proper customer relationship management as part of enterprise resource planning gives you the best opportunities to take care of your most important asset, your customers. Directing sales efforts to the right things is also easy, and tasks are forwarded to the right people in your company.

Sales orders are handled (almost) by themselves

Electronic and automated sales order processing is easily done step by step or in big leaps, however you want. Electronic sales order processing is the basis for setting up an online store and automating the supply chain of your large customers. You can handle order logging, delivery, and invoicing in the way you want, or you can let order automation handle the whole thing. Delivery reliability improves in step with customer satisfaction!

Everyone invoices, but some just much more cost-effectively than others

Guess how much cheaper it is to handle invoicing and sales ledger electronically than on paper? At least ten times cheaper! Electronic invoicing is based on electronic invoicing, where information is transferred prepared, for example, from sales orders or your contract base. If the number of invoices is large, it may be most sensible to take care of the entire invoice lifecycle electronically, allowing reminders and payment monitoring to be handled automatically.

Goods in stock and inventory under control

The products in stock form a significant asset. Managing it is an important part of your company’s operations. Just maintaining product information can be time-consuming without the right electronic tools. When you use electronic inventory management, you can see at a glance the balances of products, batches in progress and incoming, and the contents of different warehouses.

How many different handwritings are there in your warehouse?

You can collect goods from the warehouse using slips and notes, but it is most efficient to work electronically. Take mobile devices into use and enhance warehouse operations. At the same time, delivery reliability and speed improve almost by themselves, and you don’t have to guess the hieroglyphs written in different handwritings on the picking slips. Delivery documents are also sent electronically, and your customers will thank you.